Here below are details of parish groups & our parish centre:

The children's liturgy is aimed at primary school children in reception upwards. The children will process out after the entrance hymn and re-join the adult Mass at the offertory.
CHILDREN'S LITURGY VOLUNTEERS WANTED: We are appealing for volunteers interested in helping out to ensure we have enough people to run the children's liturgy every week. If you would like to help at children's liturgy please speak to Catherine Casey or Laura Wastall or email No experience skills/ qualifications required. As a volunteer, there is no requirement to lead the children's liturgy if you would prefer not to do so.

Email ➞  For further Information

Preparation for the Sacraments of First Confession, First Communion and Confirmation is led by a team of catechists in our parish for Catholic children who live in our parish.
  • First Confession is for baptised Catholic children in Year 3 and above. Parents are asked to register their child before the end of December, so that preparation in the new year and the Sacrament is celebrated during Lent.
  • First Communion is for baptised Catholic children who have already made their First Confession and who are in Year 4 and above. Preparation begins after Easter, and the First Communion Masses take place in June.
  • Confirmation is for baptised Catholic children who have made their First Confession & Communion and who are in Year 6 and above. Parents are asked to register their child by the end of September when the child starts Year 6, so that preparation begins in November and the Sacrament is celebrated in January.
The Leeds community of the Order of Carmelites Discalced Secular (OCDS) meet at St Joseph’s on the second Sunday of each month after the 11am Mass. The OCDS is made up of small communities of lay people who pursue the path to holiness in the circumstances of their daily lives inspired by the spirituality of Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint John of the Cross, through silence, community, contemplative prayer and apostolic works. It is an integral part of the Carmelite order and is open to men and women, married and single. If you are interested in the OCDS, please speak to one of the members after the 11am Mass on the 2nd Sunday of every month, or visit:

1st Monday of every Month, 7pm in the Church Porch

E-mail ➞ Freda Mortimer

The Parish Society of St Vincent de Paul was re-founded in 1998 by Fr Michael O‘Reilly, and the first President was Mr John Whitworth. John remained as President for sixteen years, a period which saw the SVP become a much respected and well-supported parish organisation.

Our SVP seeks to give practical expression to our Christian faith. In the words of an SVP prayer, we seek to bring the love of Christ to the suffering or deprived.

The works of the Conference are many and varied. We visit people either in their own homes, in a care home or in a hospital. Material assistance can be given through the provision of furniture, white goods, Asda vouchers, or the Leeds North West Foodbank.

For more professional advice, clients are referred to St Vincent’s Support Centre in Leeds. St Vincent’s is also helped through our financial donations, the Christmas toy and Easter egg appeals, and parish participation in the annual sponsored walk.

Social occasions for the housebound and those who have had a challenging year, are catered for through the very successful Cornmill lunch and the annual Christmas party. Masses for those who are sick have also been arranged. The Conference also supports our persecuted brothers and sisters through the work of Aid to the Church in Need.

The current officers of the Society are:

  • Christopher Hirst (President)
  • Freda Mortimer (Treasurer)

The Conference is supported magnificently by the tremendous financial generosity of the parish.

Our parish online Scripture group meets on Tuesday evenings at 7.15pm. If anyone else would like to join the group, please get in touch:

Meet Tuesdays, 7.30 – 9.30pm

- Parish Centre


The Parish has had an active theatre group for many years and is open to anyone over the age of 14 years.  Occasionally younger children are recruited for a particular show.

We have two shows a year, one a musical revue and the other a pantomime. Rehearsals for the Pantomime will be starting in September - would you like to join us?

We are a friendly group and welcome any would be performers, also anyone who prefers a backstage role such as scenery painting, costume making or just helping on show nights with front of house or lighting.

Thursdays 9-11am [Term Time only]

- Parish Centre

Admission £1 per child, 2nd child 50p

Email ➞ Freda Mortimer

  • 9:00 am Play & Craft time
  • 10:00 am Refreshments (Toast, fresh fruit & a drink for children: Tea, coffee & biscuits for adults)
  • 10:20 am Play & Craft time continues
  • 10.45 am Story time & Singing with musical instruments.

We welcome any child from birth to nursery age and it is also an opportunity for mums, dads, grandparents and childminders to meet each other and spend time together. Our aim is to offer all the opportunity to spend time with their children and make new friends in a relaxed and friendly environment.

Meetings of our group for seniors take place in our Parish Hall every other Tuesday. Please contact for more information.
We have two Youth SVP groups within our parish which meet in the Parish Hall on first Sunday of every month: Years 5-8: 6.30-7.00pm; Years 9-13: 7.00-7.30pm. We would love to see new and existing members at our meetings. Please come along if you want to get a taste for what we do. Our first meeting of the new school year will be on Sunday 1st October 2023.