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What is my attitude to this sacrament? Do I sincerely want to be set free from sin, to turn again to God, to begin a new life, and to enter into a deeper friendship with God? Or do I look on it as a burden?

Jesus says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart.”

Is my heart set on God so that I really love Him above all things and am faithful to His commandments, as a son or daughter loves their father? Or am I more concerned about things of this world? Have I tried to grow in my understanding of the Faith, to hear God’s Word, listen openly to the teaching of the Church, to other instructions and preaching on the faith, and avoid dangers to my faith? Have I been willing to be known as a Christian in public as well as in private? Do I pray – in times of joy as well as sorrow? When I pray, do I really raise my mind and heart to God, or is it a routine and a matter of words only? Do I turn to God in time of temptation? Have I offended God in blasphemy, swearing, taken His name in Vain? Do I keep every Sunday and Holy Day sacred by taking an attentive and full part in the Mass? Are there false gods that I worship by giving them greater attention and deeper trust than I give to God: such as money or superstition?

Jesus says, “Love one another as I have loved you.”

Have I a genuine love for other people? Do I ever use others for my own ends? Do I do to them what I would not want done to myself? Have I ever given scandal by my words or actions? Have I contributed to the well-being and happiness of the rest of my family by patience and genuine love? Have I respected and honoured my parents? Have I been faithful in heart to my family, to my loved ones? Do I share my plenty with those less fortunate? Do I do my best to help the victims of oppression, misfortune and poverty? Or do I look down on my neighbour, especially the poor, the sick, the elderly, strangers, and people of other races or backgrounds or abilities? Do I participate & share in the work of the Church? Am I concerned for the good and prosperity of the community in which I live, or do I spend my time caring only for myself? Have I done my duty as a citizen? Have I paid my taxes and been honest and just in my financial dealings? In my work, study or profession, am I just, hard working, honest, serving out of love for others? Have I been faithful to my promises and contracts? Can people trust me? Have I been truthful and fair, or have I injured others by deceit, dishonesty or rash judgement? Have I kept up hatred or bigotry for others? Am I a peacemaker and forgiver? Have I ever done violence to others? Do I respect every human life – from the moment of conception to natural death? Have I ever stolen or unjustly desired the property of others? Am I jealous of other people’s success, wealth or fortune? If I have ever been hurt or injured, have I ever desired revenge or harbour hatred or bitterness?

Jesus says, “Be perfect as your Father is perfect.”

Do I see heaven as my true home? Do I try to control the things that block my progress to Christ? Do I ever fast or abstain? Do I accept sorrows and disappointments as my share in Christ’s passion? Am I proud and boastful, thinking that I am better than others? Have I imposed my own will on others, without consideration or respect for their own rights and freedom? Am I quick to see the faults in others but slow to acknowledge my own? Do I use the time, health, gifts and strengths which God has given me to be used for the greater glory of God, or am I lazy and give too much for my own sole benefit? Have I dishonoured my body by impurity or unworthy conversation, thoughts, desires and actions? Have I committed adultery in mind or body? Do I avoid those things which lead me to offend God through human indecency? Have I ever seen another human person as an object of gratification? Have I encouraged others to sin by my own failure to maintain Christ’s moral standards?

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  • Make the Sign of the Cross.
  • The priest will welcome you and call you to trust in the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Tell the priest how long it is since your last Confession.
  • Confess the sins you wish Christ’s healing for.
  • The priest will give you a penance.
  • Make an Act of Sorrow by using your own prayer or one the following:

1. O My God, because you are so good, I am very sorry that I have sinned against you, and with the help of your grace I will not sin again. Amen.

2. O My God, I am sorry and beg pardon for all my sins, and detest them above all things, because they deserve your dreadful punishments, because they have crucified my loving Saviour Jesus Christ, and most of all because they offend your infinite goodness; and I firmly resolve, by the help of your grace, never to offend you again, and carefully to avoid the occasions of sin. Amen.

3. Father of mercy, Like the prodigal son I return to you and say: “I have sinned against you and am no longer worthy to be called your child.” Christ Jesus, Saviour of the world, I pray with the repentant thief to whom you promised Paradise: “Lord, remember me in your Kingdom.” Holy Spirit, fountain of love, I call on you with trust: ‘Purify my heart, and help me to walk as a child of light.’

  • The priest will then give you Absolution.
  • After confession, it is our duty to thank God for His precious gift of forgiveness by spending some time in prayer and fulfilling the penance given to us.

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