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Saturday 22nd February (7th Sunday – Vigil Mass): 6.30pm (Intention: The People of the Parish)
Sunday 23rd February (7th Sunday of Ordinary Time): 9.30am (Intention: Denise Robson); 11.00am (Intention: Julie Shakespeare – LD)
Tuesday 25th February (Feria): 7.00pm (Intention: November Dead List)
Wednesday 26th February (Feria): 9.30am (Intention: November Dead List)
Thursday 27th February (Feria): 9.30am (Intention: November Dead List)
Friday 28th February (Feria): 9.30am (Intention: November Dead List)
Saturday 1st March (8th Sunday – Vigil Mass): 6.30pm (Intention: November Dead List)
Sunday 2nd March (8th Sunday of Ordinary Time): 9.30am (Intention: November Dead List); 11.00am (Intention: The People of the Parish)
CONFESSIONS: Saturday 6.00pm-6.20pm; Tuesday 6.30pm-6.50pm.
ONLINE SCRIPTURE GROUP: meets on Tuesday evenings. For info: pudseystjoseph@gmail.com
BRING BACK YOUR PALMS! You can bring back the palms you may still have at home from previous years’ Palm Sundays and leave them in the basket in the church porch. They will be burnt, and the ash used for the blessing for the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday (5th March), as is the tradition.
Envelopes: £326.00; loose plate: £299.14; bank transfers: £411.00; Total: £1036.14. Sincere thanks for your generosity! Ukraine appeal: £25.00. You can continue to give to CAFOD’s humanitarian aid for Ukraine by putting your offering in an envelope marked ‘Ukraine’.
EASTER GALA: Bank Holiday Monday 21st April from 12noon in the parish hall. Fun for all the family – Easter Bonnet competition, Easter trail, face-painting, Treasure Hunt, Chocolate Hamper, stalls & games. Food & drink stalls: crepes, pizza, afternoon teas, BBQ & beer tent, soft drinks. All proceeds will go to creating the garden by the parish hall, so treat yourself to a day out and come to our first ever Easter Gala!
BEER FESTIVAL: Tickets are now on sale for the annual St Joseph’s Beer Festival. There are two sessions on Saturday 3rd May: 2-6pm and 7.30-11.30pm. Tickets are £15 for the evening session, £10 for the afternoon session or £20 for a combo ticket. Kids are free for the afternoon session only. Tickets are limited so book early to avoid disappointment at https://buytickets.at/stjosephsmops/1594583
RECYCLING: As part of our parish effort in the CAFOD Live Simply Award Scheme, we have started a project to collect and forward items that are not currently accepted in the Leeds Council green bins. We have signed up with Terracycle, and at the moment we are collecting plastic lunchboxes, water bottles, and cheese packaging. Full details of what can be collected (and what can’t) is on our parish website: www.stjosephpudsey.org.uk/recycle. We’ll try to expand the scheme to include more things over the coming year. The bin is located by Presbytery garage in the church car park. Many thanks to Amy Miller for organising this.
YOUTH SVP: The Youth SVP are going to be “sleeping rough” in the hall on Saturday 8th March to raise awareness of the plight of the homeless in our area. Instead of sponsorship they are organising a collection of warm clothing to donate to St George’s Crypt. Any donations of socks, hats, scarves, gloves and coats can be left in the church porch. Thank you! There will also be a Table-top Sale in the hall on Saturday 29th March between 10am and 12noon. Tables are £10 but all proceeds are yours to keep. Any interest in taking a table please contact Justine Massie on 07876 026965.
MEDICAL AID FOR PALESTINIANS – UPDATE: After a month of riding, Tim Devereux says, “It is 3431 miles from Pudsey to Gaza, and I’ve covered 306 miles of the challenge so far, just riding around 10 miles a day locally. I’ve crashed once – icy path – and had one broken chain, and two punctures! Fundraising is going well: £1115.18 with Gift Aid. Donations are coming from friends and strangers. Parishioners have been especially generous. Many thanks!” Donations very gratefully received at: https://www.justgiving.com/page/tim-devereux-map-2025
FIGHT THE LEADBEATER BILL: The Terminally ill Adults (End of Life) Bill is now receiving close scrutiny in Parliament in preparation for its Third Reading, probably in April. So many of the so-called safeguards presented to MPs in November are under threat, so it’s important we continue to lobby our MPs. For more information how to act: https://spuc.org.uk/campaign/assistedsuicideuk
NEW BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY TRAINING: We are very pleased to be able to offer another presentation of this two-day course for those wishing to learn the basics of grief and how to accompany those who are grieving. The next training will be on Saturday 22nd March and Saturday 5th April (9.45am – 4pm each day) at The Briery Retreat Centre in Ilkley. For more information or an application form please contact the Elizabeth Prout Bereavement Care team at epbereavementcare@dioceseofleeds.org.uk
PUDSEY COMMUNITY PROJECT are appealing for food and toiletries for people in need in our area. There is a need at the moment in particular for coffee and tins of chopped tomatoes. We can collect donations here at St Joseph’s – so please leave any in the church porch and we will transfer them each week. For more info: www.pudseycommunity.org.uk
Saturday 25th October to Saturday 1st November 2025 (half-term). Flights to/from Manchester airport. Price £1075 sharing, £1295 single room. Half-board, guide, and all transport in Italy included. Mass each day in the various churches and shrines associated with St Francis, St Clare and St Anthony, plus a day visit to either Verona or Venice.
BOOKING FORMS are now available from Fr Peter.
For full details of the pilgrimage see: www.stjosephpudsey.org.uk/assisi/
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: Friday 4th – Thursday 10th July 2025. Bookings are now open. The theme is ‘With Mary, Pilgrims of Hope’, to coincide with the Jubilee Year of Hope. The Jubilee is a major celebration in which pilgrims are invited to immerse themselves in God’s infinite mercy. Early booking strongly recommended. In anticipation of higher than usual numbers, transfers will be offered to and from Stansted Airport once the Leeds flight is full. Please book via the Tangney website or by phone directly with Tangney Tours: www.tangney-tours.com/tours-and-pilgrimages/diocese-leeds/
For further info see the flyer in the church porch or www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk/lourdes-pilgrimage/
THE ANNUAL LOURDES DINNER DANCE: will take place on Friday 28th February 2025 at the Met Hotel in Leeds, Tickets are £40 each or £375 for a table of 10, Ticket price includes a reception drink, a 3 course dinner and entertainment throughout the night. Please contact Phil Marshall for tickets or more info on 07766 148375 or at philmarshall49@hotmail.com
LITTLE SISTERS FUNDRAISING EVENT: On Friday 28th February 2025 at Irish Centre Tara Suite, 7.30pm. Tickets £25.00. Meal of soda bread, Irish stew and dessert, also Irish band dancing, sing-a-long, auction and raffle. Please come along and support the Little sisters and have a great night of entertainment. All proceeds to go towards rebuilding of Mount St Joseph’s. Contact details Sr.Christina Email funds.leeds@lsplondon.co.uk
DEMENTIA FRIENDS ONLINE TRAINING: Our diocesan “Growing Old Gracefully” group, along with Age Friendly Leeds, are organising two “Dementia Friends” online training sessions to give people a better understanding of dementia, as part of making parishes and communities more dementia friendly. The dates for the sessions are: Monday 10th March 2.30-3.30pm & Tuesday 29th April 7.00-8.00pm. Each of the training sessions is the same. To book: growing.old.gracefully@dioceseofleeds.org.uk or see: www.growingoldgracefully.org.uk
LEEDS PAX CHRISTI PRAYER SERVICE: Leeds Pax Christi is organising an Ash Wednesday Prayer Service outside Holy Trinity Church on Boar Lane on 5th March, 12.30pm. We urge repentance for those involved in nuclear war preparations and pray that we all have the courage to say yes to peace no to war. All are welcome. For more information contact Carol 07707 061115.
OUR LADY OF KIRKSTALL PARISH LENTEN MISSION: Monday 10th to Wed 12th March led by Sr Briege McKenna & Fr Pablo Escriva de Romani. This 3-day Mission is an opportunity to renew our faith and draw closer to Jesus. For more information please visit www.ourladyofkirkstall.org.uk The session will be free of charge, but booking is essential: https://OLKParishMission2025.eventbrite.com
“EXCAVATING HOPE”: THE 2025 ROMERO LECTURE: Thursday 13th March 7pm at Leeds Trinity University City Centre campus (1 Trevelyan Square LS1 6AE). Fr Luis Orlando Jimenez, a Mexican Jesuit, will link his work on human trafficking and the disappeared in Mexico & South America with the life of St Oscar Romero. All welcome. See www.leedsjp.org.uk to register and for more details.
LEEDS DIOCESAN LAY TRUSTEES: Applications are welcomed for the role of Trustee from Catholic lay faithful to enrich the diversity of the Board’s membership. Additionally, the Diocese are seeking to expand the committee structure of the Trustees and would welcome applications for membership of those committees as well. For info: www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk/diocese-of-leeds-recruitment-of-lay-trustees/
Briery Weekly Online Meditations: The Briery hosts a weekly hour of meditation/reflection focusing on the following Sunday’s readings, providing an opportunity for shared reflection in small groups, on Thursdays – reflection begins at 7.30pm, doors open from 7.15pm for a welcome/chat. All are welcome to attend. Register for zoom link by emailing: admin@briery.co.uk
Briery Retreat Centre, 38 Victoria Avenue, Ilkley LS29 9BW
For bookings & further information, please email briery@btconnect.com or tel. 01943 607287. www.briery.org.uk
LENT DAYS OF RECOLLECTION: The Community of Our Lady of Walsingham will lead two days of recollection at Ss Peter and Paul’s Church in Wakefield on Saturday 8 March from 10am until 4pm and Sunday 9 March 1.30pm until 5.30pm. The theme is Journeying into God: Prayer as Relationship with God, Self and Others. For more details go to https://www.peterpaul.org.uk/ If you are attending on Saturday, please bring a packed lunch.
DOORWAYS OF HOPE – ONLINE EVENTS: Leeds Diocese older people’s charity Growing Old Grace-fully is hosting a programme of 3 hour-long online events on the theme of hope, to be led by Paula Shanks and Mgr. Donal Lucey. The dates are Tuesday 18 March (afternoon), Wednesday May 14 (evening) and Thursday July 10 (evening). To book a place or for more information, email growing.old.gracefully@dioceseofleeds.org.uk
CONSIDER TEACHING IN CATHOLIC EDUCATION: Are you a Catholic teacher or headteacher working outside the Catholic sector? If so, would you consider applying for a job in one of our diocesan schools? Diocesan Director of Education Kieron Flood will be hosting an on-line briefing for all those who are interested on Tuesday 25 March from 6-7pm. To book your place, please email Emma: education.admin@dioceseofleeds.org.uk
DEPUTY HEADTEACHER VACANCY: St. Edward’s Catholic Primary School, Boston Spa. Start: September 2025. Closing date: Tuesday 4th March 2025. To discuss or arrange a visit, please contact, stedwardsadmin@st-edwards.leeds.sch.uk
ASSISTANT TO LAY CHAPLAIN VACANCY: Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College, Leeds. Start: ASAP. Closing date: Monday, 24 February 2025. Further info: please visit https://www.notredamecoll.ac.uk/vacancies To discuss or arrange a visit, contact Vicky Winterburn, v.winterburn@notredamecoll.ac.uk Further details attached.
HEADTEACHER VACANCY: School: St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Goole, Closing date: Friday 28th February 2025 at midday. For further information about the role and school please see here
DEPUTY HEADTEACHER VACANCY: Quality of Education, Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School, Leeds. Start: September 2025. Closing date: Thursday 27 February 2025. To discuss or arrange a visit, please contact, Angela Fieldhouse, recruitment@cardinalheenan.com
CATHOLIC ACADEMY TRUST (CAT) FOUNDATION DIRECTORS: We are recruiting additional volunteer Directors for our Diocesan CAT Boards with skills in: Catholic Life & Mission, change management, organisational growth, finance, marketing, PR, educational leadership, secondary school improvement, SEND. You would be required to attend and be involved in board meetings throughout the academic year. If you are interested, please email education.admin@dioceseofleeds.org.uk to speak with Mgr. Paul Grogan, Episcopal Vicar for Education, or Kieron Flood, Director of Education.