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Saturday 14th December (3rd Advent Sunday – Vigil Mass) at 6.30pm (Intention: Kathleen Mary Fahy – A)
Sunday 15th December (Third Sunday of Advent) at 9.30am (Intention: The People of the Parish) & 11.00am (Intention: Edmund Broderick – A)
Tuesday 17th December (Advent Feria) at 7.00pm (Intention: Jean Michnik – LD)
Wednesday 18th December (Advent Feria) at 9.30am (Intention: Carmel Hutchinson – A)
Thursday 19th December (Advent Feria) at 9.30am (Intention: William, Sallie, Paul Milner)
Friday 20th December (Advent Feria) at 7.00pm (Intention: November Dead List)
Saturday 21st December (4th Advent Sunday – Vigil) at 6.30pm (Intention: Audrey Dunn – LD)
Sunday 22nd December (Fourth Sunday of Advent) at 9.30am (Intention: The People of the Parish) & 11.00am (Intention: Peter Parker – A)
CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES: Tuesday 24th Dec: Christmas Eve: 6.30pm (carols from 6.00pm) & 10.00pm (carols from 9.30pm); Wednesday 25th Dec Christmas Day: 9.30am & 11.00am.
CONFESSIONS: Saturday 6.00pm-6.20pm; Tuesday 6.30pm-6.50pm; Christmas Eve Confessions (Tuesday 24th December) 5.00pm-5.45pm.
PARISH OFFICE: Mondays and Fridays 9am–1pm. Janice: office.stjoseph.pudsey@dioceseofleeds.org.uk
ONLINE SCRIPTURE GROUP: meets on Tuesday evenings. For info: pudseystjoseph@gmail.com
Envelopes: £295.00; loose plate: £321.87; bank transfers: £196.00; Total: £812.87. Sincere thanks for your generosity! Ukraine appeal: £36.00. You can continue to give to CAFOD’s humanitarian aid for Ukraine by putting your offering in an envelope marked ‘Ukraine’.
DIOCESAN DIRECTORIES: The 2025 Leeds Diocesan Directories are now available in the church porch, priced £5.00. Please put the money into the grey collection box in the porch.
NOVEMBER DEAD LIST: The final list of names received are now on our church porch noticeboard and website: www.stjosephpudsey.org.uk/november. 85 Masses will be offered over the coming year.
PUDSEY COMMUNITY PROJECT: are appealing for food and toiletries for people in need in our area particularly for the run-up to Christmas. For items they are looking for, see the poster in the church porch. We collect regular donations here at St Joseph’s – so please leave any in the church porch and we will transfer them each week. Please make sure all items are still in date! Thank you for all your generosity so far! For more info: www.pudseycommunity.org.uk
PANTOMIME: St Joseph’s Theatre Group are presenting their pantomime “Red Riding Hood” in the Parish Hall on Friday 20th December 7.30pm and Saturday 21st December 2.00pm & 7.30pm. Tickets available from Freda Mortimer after the weekend Masses, or email Janice office.stjoseph.pudsey@dioceseofleeds.org.uk. Adults £5, children & concessions £3.50. This year’s performance will be in memory of our wonderful Musical Director, Steve McKay, with donations going to the British Heart Foundation.
We would like to invite parents/guardians of baptised Catholic children in Year 3+ at school who have not yet started their First Reconciliation (Confession) preparation to enrol on to our parish programme.
More detailed information will be provided later but the dates for the Reconciliation programme are: Sunday 19th January – Parent information meeting in church 6.00pm; Sunday 9th February – Parent session in the hall 6.00pm; Sunday 2nd March – Children’s session 2-4pm; Saturday 8th March – Retreat in the church; Saturday 15th March – Sacrament of Reconciliation 1; Saturday 22nd March – Sacrament of Reconciliation 2; Friday 18th April – Good Friday Family Stations of the Cross.
Please click here to enrol – closing date 31st December. For any enquiries contact Maria: catechist.stjoseph.pudsey@dioceseofleeds.org.uk
As the coming Jubilee Year has as its theme “Pilgrims of Hope” we are planning to make two parish pilgrimages next year. One will be a local day pilgrimage in the late Spring, which will be family-friendly (more details later), and the other will be to Assisi and Padua from Saturday 25th October to Saturday 1st November 2025 (half-term). Flights to/from Manchester airport. Price £1075 sharing, £1295 single room. Half-board, guide, and all transport in Italy included. Mass each day in the various churches and shrines associated with St Francis, St Clare and St Anthony, plus a day visit to either Verona or Venice. This will be a joint pilgrimage with the parish of St Mary Magdalen & St Teresa in Penwortham, Preston – their Parish Priest is an old friend of Fr Peter.
BOOKING FORMS are now available from Fr Peter.
For full details of the pilgrimage see: www.stjosephpudsey.org.uk/assisi/
“JESSE TREE”: We hope that you have noticed the lit tree in our church porch. It represents the image of the tree that the prophet Isaiah (11:1) used to describe the coming of the Messiah from the ‘stem of Jesse’ (the father of King David). Last Sunday evening we used the tree at an Advent Prayer Service for those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation in our parish in January. Isaiah describes that the Messiah would have 7 Gifts (11:2), and the decorations on our tree were made by some of the children preparing for Confirmation to represent the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit as demonstrated in key Advent figures in the Bible: NOAH (piety); ABRAHAM (fortitude/courage); MOSES (fear of the Lord/wonder & awe); RUTH (counsel); DAVID (knowledge); ISAIAH (wisdom); MARY (understanding). A huge THANK YOU to our team of catechists who have dedicated a good deal of their time to prepare the children who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in January.
FR RICHARD CARTER: will be celebrating his Ruby (40 years) Jubilee of Ordination at the 11.15 am Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Bingley BD16 4HG on Sunday 9th February 2025, followed by a reception in St. Joseph’s School (over the road from the Church) afterwards. All parishioners who remember him are cordially invited, but if you intend to stay for the reception, please notify by email numbers attending in your group richard.carter@dioceseofleeds.org.uk before 31st December 2024.
CATHOLIC CARE DIRECTOR/CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER VACANCY: Salary over £70,000 pro rata, depending on experience. Based in Leeds. Our ideal candidate will possess strong personal values with the vision/skills for leadership, a passion for caring for people in need and improving people’s lives. They will have significant experience of leadership and developing/delivering strategy. For further details and how to apply please contact Katrina.greenhalf@catholic-care.org.uk or phone 0113 388 5400.
LEEDS CATHEDRAL DAY OF RECONCILIATION: Tuesday 17th December 7am to 7pm. There will be priests available to hear confessions, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament all day.
SAFEGUARDING CONFERENCE: The Diocese of Leeds is hosting its first Safeguarding Conference on Saturday 8th February 2025, 10-3pm at Hinsley Hall, Headingley. Guest speakers include the Comboni Survivors Group, Hydrant Programme and Dementia Friendly Churches. This is a good opportunity to be part of the discussion and sharing of information, to book your place please email safeguarding@dioceseofleeds.org.uk
DIOCESE OF LEEDS COMMUNITY CHOIR: This new venture welcomes all parish musicians, parishioners, choir parents, friends, and school and Diocesan staff to come together and sing! Rehearsals on Sunday afternoons (19th January, 2nd & 9th February, 2nd & 23rd March, all at 2pm-3.30pm) at Immaculate Heart of Mary church, Moortown, LS17 6LE, working towards a concert performance, including music by Mendelssohn, Fauré, and Rutter, on Laetare Sunday, 30th March 2025 4pm. To book your place please email office@dioceseofleedsmusic.org.uk
WORKSHOP FOR PARISH MUSICIANS – PREPARING FOR HOLY WEEK AND EASTER: Sunday 26 January, 2-4pm, Cathedral Chambers (accessed via Wheeler Hall, Leeds Cathedral). Meet musicians from across the Diocese in this free workshop exploring liturgical music for Lent, Holy Week and Easter. The practical workshop led by Diocesan Choral Directors and composer Teena Lyle, will introduce two new accessible choral pieces, including perusal copies of the music. Our musicians will be on hand for bespoke advice. To book please email the Music Office: office@dioceseofleedsmusic.org.uk
Briery Weekly Online Meditations: The Briery hosts a weekly hour of meditation/reflection focusing on the following Sunday’s readings, providing an opportunity for shared reflection in small groups, on Thursdays – reflection begins at 7.30pm, doors open from 7.15pm for a welcome/chat. All are welcome to attend. Register for zoom link by emailing: admin@briery.co.uk
Briery Retreat Centre, 38 Victoria Avenue, Ilkley LS29 9BW
For bookings & further information, please email briery@btconnect.com or tel. 01943 607287. www.briery.org.uk